Revision Exercise for Units 10-12 |
Cover Introduction Main Index Further Study Rev. Units 7-9 Rev. Units 13-15 Rev. Key 10-12 |
1 Give the following forms:(i) gen. masc. pl. of iste (ii) acc. neut. s. of alius (iii) gen. neut. s. of ipse (iv) dat. fem. s. of idem (v) gen. fem. s. of solus (vi) acc. neut. pl. of amans (vii) dat. fem. s. of regens (viii) dat. neut. pl. of nullus (ix) abl. masc. pl. of aliquis (x) gen. fem. pl. of quidam. 2 Decline the following phrases in the singular and plural:eadem ingens res, ista manus, totus dies. 3 Give the three participles, together with the meanings, of:numero, interficio, vinco, moveo.4 Translate into Latin, using the list given below if necessary:(i) Caesar destroyed the three cities which he had conquered. (ii) Those stories which you used to tell about Catullus's Lesbia are not true but they were wonderful to hear. (iii) When the two letters had been read in the Senate-house, the soldiers killed the barbarians. (iv) Ovid, when about to leave Rome, said many things to those friends whom he valued highly. (v) They are going from Gaul to Italy to see Caesar and seek peace. (vi) In the twelfth year after the foundation of the city the enemy built a wall around it. (vii) Each guard had two horses. (viii) Hannibal's defeat freed the Romans from fear. (ix) The soldiers burnt the city which they had captured. (x) A change of country had not changed your mind. (xi) When sick (say being sick), I fear a multitude of doctors. (xii) When the arrival of Caesar has been announced, we will move camp. The Latin words to be used in the above sentences occur either in the vocabularies of units 1-9 or in the Latin reading of units 10-12. The same applies, mutatis mutandis (20.3), to the sentences in future revision exercises. However, the following list may be of assistance as it contains all the necessary vocabulary with the exception of most proper names, pronouns, numerals, prepositions, and certain other common words which can be retrieved from the appropriate place. Lists will be given with future exercises but words will not be repeated. The meanings of all words will be found in the TYL vocabulary. adventus, aedifico, aegroto, aestimo, amicus, animus, annus, audio, barbarus, capio, castra, condo, Curia, custos, deleo, dico, equus, fabula, habeo, hostis, incendo, interficio, lego, libero, litterae, magnus, medicus, miles, mirabilis, moveo, multitudo, murus, muto, narro, nuntio, pax, peto, relinquo, terra, timor, urbs, vado, verus, video, vinco. __________ ____________ _____________ ____________________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _______________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ _____________ ________ __ _(c) Gavin Betts 2000 |