Revision Key for Units 28-30 |
Cover Introduction Main Index Further Study Rev. Key 25-27 Rev. Units 28-30 |
Question 1(i) A slave faithful to me (fidelis is an adj. taking the dat.). (ii) He freed us from fear (abl. of separation). (iii) You can come to Baiae in three hours (abl. to express time within which). (iv) His father is dying (ei dat. of reference). (v) The country house is rich in milk and cheese (abl. of respect). (vi) He waged war by land and sea (abl. of place where). (vii) I am sending you this as a gift (muneri predicative dat.; tibi dat. of advantage). (viii) He appears to himself to be fortunate (sibi dat. of reference). (ix) A man born of a famous father (abl. of origin). (x) We defeated the Gauls with great difficulty (abl. of manner). (xi) I shall take the toga from the consul (dat. of disadvantage). (xii) For Catullus (in Catulluss eyes) Lesbia was very beautiful (dat. of reference). (xiii) You have done these things for me (dat. of advantage). (xiv) You should not have said that (vobis dat. of agent). (xv) I have five horses (dat. of possessor). (xvi) I am younger than my brother (fratre abl. of comparison; natu abl. of respect). (xvii) Wounded by an arrow (abl. of instrument). (xviii) Wounded in the foot (abl. of respect). (xix) I killed a victim to avert the anger of the gods (dat. of purpose). (xx) You have borne much more painful things (multo abl. of measure of difference). Question 2(i) He loved her because she was his wife/he loved her because [he thought] she was his wife (esset makes the quod clause an alleged reason which the writer does not vouch for). (ii) I waited at home until Brutus returned/I waited at home for Brutus to return (rediit expresses something that happened; rediret expresses something that was anticipated but we are not told whether it eventuated) (iii) We sent soldiers to Gaul who subdued the Germans/we sent soldiers to Gaul to subdue the Germans (subj. used in a relative clause to express purpose). (iv) There are many men who are snatching your money/ there are many men who would snatch your money (eripiunt expresses a fact; eripiant is potential subj. expressing something that could or might happen). (v) I, who went away from you, seem to myself to have made a mistake (we are given two pieces of information which have no apparent connection)/I seem to myself to have made a mistake because I went away from you (the subj. discesserim indicates that there is a connection between the qui clause and the rest of the sentence; the sense rules out purpose, result, or a generalising clause, and of the remaining two possibilities, cause and concession, the former gives a suitable link, the latter does not). Question 3(i) Dum Romae sum, in fluvio natavi. (ii) Dum Romae eram, sororem tuam non vidi (dum here means as long as and so can be followed by a past tense). (iii) Licet (quamvis) Romae essem, fratrem tuum non vidi. (iv) Quamquam aegrotabam, in senatu orationem habui. (v) Dum Romae sim, te videre conabor. (vi) Ad Graeciam iit quod libros emere vellet. (vii) Etiamsi (etsi, tametsi) Brutum videam, ei verbum non dicam. (viii) Dixit se ad senatum venturum esse quod Ciceronem audire vellet. (ix) Antequam (priusquam) ieris, vinum tecum bibam. (x) Dum (donec, quoad) contra Hispanos pugnabam, numquam bene dormiebam. (xi) In Capitolio cum Seneca loquebatur donec (dum, quoad) Caesar venit (perf.). (xii) In via Appia tot currus hodie sunt quot heri erant. (xiii) Non sum talis vir qualis eram. (xiv) Tot libri tibi legendi sunt quot habes (or tot libros legere debes quot . . .). (xv) Litterae tuae tales erant quales volui. (xvi) Curris quasi (tamquam si, ut si, velut si) decem Galli te persequerentur. (xvii) Quo (quanto) plus pecuniae habeo, eo (tanto) plures libros emo. (xviii) Quantum os tibi est! (or quantum os habes!). (xix) Tantam pecuniam ab amicis accepit quantam eis dederat. (xx) Quotiens ad Asiam navigo, totiens timeo ne interficiar. |